Saturday, September 22, 2007

Logitech Eyetoy Usb Camera 64

Brighton ...

Hi! I'm here again ... really tired during the day I had today but we deserved it really worth it.
I went to Germany in Brighton, southern England, and we wanted to see the sea, joer as missing eeeh ... Seriously, a relaxation, the smell of the sea, to wet our feet in the sea, but Germany did not dare ...

We loved me, because for a moment I closed my eyes and hearing the sound of the waves was like I was in Tenerife ...
After spending a while enjoying the sea, we went to walk along the seafront of Brighton and the guy we live we got ... and a piece of Baywatch ... jajaja

After that, we ate and we went over the streets of Brighton in search of something to see ... and nothing here some pics ...
In the first a square that had Brighton, Royal Pavilion (which by the way a gentleman gave us a super cute picture with our names ...)

then returned the sea to throw us for a while that we were really tired from walking ... and finally complete picture of the little beach ... it is pretty eeeh!

Tell Ale thank you very much for all these beautiful moments cari;)


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