Monday, September 24, 2007

Usf Alpha Kappa Alpha

Tussands and others ...

's Monday again already: (but good, this Monday is not a blue moon ... while away from each other more than ever I miss being there for my baby and I do three years old together ... Tq!
Yesterday early in the morning I took the way to Diagon Alley Ale again, as a good fan of Harry Potter I wanted to go to London without seeing where it was recorded that part of the movie and also repeated in King's Cross station who had been with Rachel and Carol ...

Then the wax museum, Madame Tussands an hour in line to enter, imagine ... but the worst is that we thought that the tickets were in one place and when we arrived there was a sign "30 minutes from here to buy the tickets and I VEAAASS NO! lol but hey once inside it was worth ... we laugh a lot and little more to tell, better put some pics ...

Before leaving the museum I made this montage had always wanted. The position ... mmm ... q because I know the photographer who gave me and put me ... eeh original! jajaja

Muakis for all and for my family that I love you guys and miss ... jooo mom and I miss your little meals!


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