Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where Can You Buy Grain Alcohol In New Brunswick


Mapocho trams Whereabouts in January 1935 in Bridge Street next to Central Market. The hotel building on the right that housed the bar "Samson" on the first floor and reaches to see his name on the roofs of cars.

researching my book on the history of Barrio Mapocho, soon to be published (I'll see in due course through what mechanism), I have come up with an interesting fact about the business old former Bohemian district of riparian area with a bar-restaurant that virtually no records exist except an aged photo.

not know if it's coincidence that, in addition to an ancient and historical place called "Hercules" in the sector reaching Aillavilú Bandera (frequented by Pablo Neruda Oreste Plath and Luis Emilio Recabarren, among several others), there was another bowling alley called "Samson" to return to General Mackenna Street Bridge, under the premises of the disappeared "Excelsior Hotel" which was located where now is the access to Metro Bridge Cal y Canto with Central Market.

Difficult to answer this question in our day but certainly the similarity of names of these two legendary titans separated by just a quarter block cross Mapocho would not seem such a coincidence.

survive to this day not much data on the bar-restaurant "Samson" located on Bridge street address 860 of the old building back to Aillavilú hotel in its low and where once was also the famous "Guaton Bar", one of the first to bring the bohemian neighborhood character and festive lasted until fifties or so, very popular in the Centennial and when he was near the front of the small railway stations in the market before the construction of the huge building Mapocho Station.

As said earlier, there is little to see today in the footsteps of "Samson" on the block, except an old file photo Chilectra dated in 1935, where you see your place in the front, but hidden behind the tram in motion and in the distance of background levels within the framework focused on a beautiful tram that stops next to Central Market, which also appears back image. The image can be seen on page 89 of the album "Lights of modernity. Photographic Chilectra (Corporate Communication Management Enersis SA, 2001), with the caption : "Plaza Central Market Mapocho to the bottom. Truck with a capacity of 24 seats. January 10, 1935. "

However, there is an interesting detail: this place was a bar and restaurant built on the ground floor of the old and impressive hotel in the neighborhood. As these facilities were a more or less common, according to former neighbors and report according to the testimonies we have consulted, we can assume about the inner aspect of the "Samson" looking at another relic of that time of night owls in Mapocho attraction: the local bar-restaurant "Touring" , popular bar located on the side of General Mackenna and in the same situation on the ground floor of a hotel building (the Central Hotel, in this case). We have already spent a previous post to this site.

If so, we focus on retaining bars look like mapochinos (other cases were "The Clinic" local first "Wonder Bar" and one also in the basement of the now demolished building called The Ship, who was a neighbor the Bristol Hotel ), we can infer about the aesthetics and appearance of the service of "Samson" in the midst of the busy neighborhood that once was full of passengers looking out tickets for the railroad, staying in hotels or visiting environment the cooking places frenzied markets. Would have been appropriate, then, a typical bar and dining room with these places they looked toward the first half of century elegance boasting some real or imaginary, like access windows English bar.

The location of the bar with the name of the biblical strongman magical hair, was the southern end of this elegant building at the end of the street on the corner of the Plaza Venezuela, around the side the famous "Piojera" and the old attic of Corregidor in the same street Zañartu Aillavilú, from which oversaw the construction of the Puente de Cal y Canto in the colony. The hotel was a building drawn with its length north-south axis, with the front facing the west side of Central Market. This position is confirmed by a photograph of the album "Lights of modernity" on page 44.

Was this, perhaps, the bar of course Don Pablo de Rokha used to frequent in the street near the market when I lived in the Bristol Hotel , says the rich oral tradition and legend surrounding the controversial self poet? Well, we have no sure answer to this possibility but we would like to think so.

I read somewhere something about the former presence of another bar called "Samson" in a different place, but within the same Center Santiago, so I would not know if it corresponded to a change of location or a coincidence of names. Anyway, between renovations and renovations later, nothing has been in this shelter mapochino or the elegant building of the "Excelsior Hotel" to give him shelter.

some planners filling the role of Delilah cut his hair this "Samson", perhaps.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter 110i

Tutorial: cutters with ejector (TodoTartas)

Tutorial: multiple cutters shaped ejector rule (TodoTartas)

These cutters I have gotten many thanks to my friend Mar, Store online TodoTartas .

I had heard of them (yes, boys and girls, news about the latest in the world of flying pies ;-)) but still had his eye or hand over. Until now :-)
I've used for this cake with all hearts, and work with fear, glad to do a full row of hearts at once, and on top of various measures without having to go changing cutter size or time. A real estate ;-)

As a picture is worth a thousand words, I leave here below some pictures of their operation. By the way, if you're interested, you know that come with instructions in Castilian ;-) I also give some tips to use them more easily, here are the pictures / links where you can buy the hearts cutter and cutter Script style letters, uppercase and lowercase TodoTartas online store .
Todotartas cutters with ejector:

Before use, clean the cutters with warm water and mild detergent, and dry them well.
can use modeling clay or gum paste with these cutters. You can also use Mexican pasta.
But do not use fondant because it is too soft and sticks to the cutter!
In this first picture you can see the cutter, my small roller (roller nonstick PME 22.5 cm), my favorite spatula Country Kitchen (with a sharp tip) and red modeling clay ( stained with Red Xtra Sugarflair ). The work surface is a cutting board from Ikea (they come in pairs, ranging from wonder, because nothing sticks.) Below is a slip-resistant, so that the cutting board will not move to extend the mass.
Extends modeling clay into a thin sheet and flip it immediately. Let stand a minute or two, and flip it again. Let stand a little (but little). Consider the hearts that want to get, and takes a piece of sheet of sufficient size to cut the hearts you want. Put that piece of foil to dry a little more, that does not stick at all, and cut the hearts at once. If you get stuck and flip on the ejector, hearts will be marked and that's not what you want ;-) Here you see the look of the cutters, which seems a sort of rule double.

Put the above rule, and hold it by the sides. Press hard rule on the pasta, but be careful not to press the ejection system, because otherwise you will be marked hearts. Move the rule a little forward and backward, rubbing the cut surface on the surface.
Here you can see the hearts freshly cut, even in the cutter. You can review the surface with your fingers to remove burrs (but be careful not to press on the hearts). If you let the sheet is dry enough before doing so, should not be necessary.
After only need to press the ejector to release the hearts. So leave the cutter, and here you can also see what is left of the picture of where we have taken, and half a heart could not take over, the thin film ;-)
Here we repeat the process with big hearts (and minor). We measured a bit, we cut, and a ton of hearts at once, yay! ;-)
Now you can remove the rule and smooth cutting profiles finger to turn off all burrs . I do not has been necessary because the sheet was dry enough :-)
joyful hearts And all together ;-)
letter cutter works well, but here it is even more cutting blades as . In this way you work faster and save pasta (because it is widespread and not cut or spare, the dry and not worth much). You can also tape the width of the letters, put it vertically, and tease out, from top to bottom, every letter you need. It works very well. :-)
The trick is the same: press well, without touching the ejector, and move the cutter on the table so that the letters be neatly trimmed.
As with hearts should turn to the cutter (s) letter (s) cut and remove the burrs, if any. And then, once the expeller pressing, remove the letters. Here's the result (yes, I strongly wave Valentine) ;-)
luck (and love ;-)) with cutters!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monopoly Instructions

TodoTartas - Shop online and more

Todotartas online store

My dear friend Sea has opened its own online store, TodoTartas . So I want to congratulate you from here, because I find something cool. After years of gaining experience in cake decorating, extending his passion for cakes with a passion for the stuff to make cakes ;-)
Ocean has existed for several years in this world (their cakes can be seen in the Fun Loving Cakes page ), has taken courses of the great masters, and therefore knows which brands are best, what tools are "for life", and what you need (or not) as a beginner. In addition to this, is an addict (like myself) to finding new and surprising things to use ;-), which is a fantastic combination to start an online store, not a shop either, but one that has everything you need, with the best brands and exclusive news represent true findings for the collection of any

:-) What's more, Ocean offers another service, you want to make a cake for a particular occasion, but do not know exactly what you need? Or do you have a vague idea of \u200b\u200ba product, maybe you've seen somewhere, but do not know her name, or can not find it anywhere? This is the extra service, write him at Sea with your questions or questions, and she will advise you professionally on large and what you want. And if you wish, I will get that product, although not yet in its range. The big advantage is that your store is very close to Europe's largest wholesale distributor for cake decorating materials and also will not have to wait long to enjoy your new purchases.

An additional advantage for students Tartacadabra is that you can place orders TodoTartas, and then pick them up at our workshop, coming to a course. In this case postage costs are much lower.

What I love is that I can use and test the crème de la crème of the newest products ;-) And so far I've found a few new things Superinteressante, which not only make the decorating job easier, but even more fun ;-)

Mar , a lot of success with your store and finding all these new things that appear from time to time in the market! In any case you have a guaranteed fan, and that's me! :-)

I encourage everyone to take a look at the online store Mar
:-) To give you a glimpse of interesting products as having:
All colorants estupendísima Americolor mark, and the best price I've seen Americolor coloring

colors also powder, glow and glitter (never can have Rainbow Dust too ;-), and also for a great price :-)
Glitz and glitter
Dyes Rainbow Dust

Another product that should not be predetermined, and I want to publish a tutorial shortly (I have the photos ready ;-)) are the cutters with ejector as a rule, an exclusive product of TodoTartas. Although I love them all (it's great that you can make a full row of hearts than once), the lyrics are amazing. No more digging with sticks stressed to get the letters of the cutter, and getting up precious points with widely varying styles for all tastes ;-)
cutters with ejector in the form of rule TodoTartas

Finally, although perhaps not the first thing that you would think, is one of my favorite products, precious papers tulip-shaped cupcakes (notice that I'm Dutch, right? ;-)) Paper Tulip Cupcakes
By the way, all the papers of muffins from the brand that are sold exclusively Mar, superbonitos addition, the highest quality. The main (and only) Dutch magazine about cake decorating (MjamTaart) has made a comparison with all known brands (such as Wilton or PME), and these were winners.

much you enjoy wandering through the virtual shelves of TodoTartas ! :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Combinations Calculator Program

Tartacadabra New Courses! 1 Plaza

currently have planned 2 new courses in the program for the coming months. A course of cookies with the beautiful name ;-) "The Spirit of Spring", and another induction course also cakes decorated with the theme of the spring: "The Fairy of Spring."

Before these new courses, super chuli have a course of "I was told by a bird", and to pique curiosity of the students involved, and that they will make your mouth water ;-), photo Cake example (we have at the table during the course to study in detail :-))
The February 26 the new course we decorated cookies for all levels and all those who like them happy and delicious cookies :-)
The Spirit of Spring: In this course we will decorate cookies with the theme of Spring. The idea is that cookies make you feel the joy of spring, with bright colors, flowers, butterflies, lots of glitter ... Of course not miss our great special cookie, a biscuit-shaped figurine 3D scene including, set in the same subject. Design we keep secret, to surprise you during the course ;-). To raise a little the band's eyes, we will also make a magical butterfly with wings not only decorated with cutters, but with the edges painted with gold glitter.
At the entrance of Christmas cookies can see a picture of our previous 3D design cookie, if curiosity becomes unbearable ;-)

you spot more information on our website web: The Spirit of Spring

The March 26 or have a crash course initial level: "El Duende of Spring" for students who wish to start in this world of magic decorated cakes.

In this intensive introduction learn all the basics, from making a base for the cake, cut the cake, fill, cover ... Special attention is paid to how to obtain a well-finished cake. They also dyed the fondant and learn different techniques of decoration. Then model the Spring Fairy with small details, will be a very spring cake, flowers, butterflies, ladybugs, etc. Later this input will sample photo
:-) For more information, please visit our website: Spring El Duende

hope to see you at our workshop!

Hugs, Lara and July

Saturday, January 15, 2011


the statue of General Manuel Bulnes: VICTORIOUS ON A HORSE DRAWN

LOCATION: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=es&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid = 208053923684508550607.00048d59b079fb58ee424 & ll =- 33.443662, -70.65254 & spn = 0.004351,0.009645 & t = h & z = 17

It is the anniversary of the Chilean victory at Yungay and the traditional Chilean Day Off, 20 January, which motivates us to make a small clarification on the information normally circulates around one of the most iconography important of these historical celebrations.

not go unnoticed the equestrian statue of General Manuel Bulnes, almost in front of the Palacio de la Moneda and the entrance of the long ride that bears his name, guarded by the brave monumental figure of Bernardo O'Higgins, the strong horse jumping enemy forces Disaster of Rancagua, recently happily accompanied by his former opponent within patriot, General Jose Miguel Carrera, in his own horse muscle and elegance. It statues sector in Alameda, in front of Bulnes, is Don José de San Martín. His horse also looks strong independence, unlike the hero carrying the Yungay, which seems to come from the exodus through the desert.

But nothing is for nothing: Unlike other epics of the neighborhood civic statues that celebrate the moments of struggle of the honorees, the statue of Don Manuel Bulnes molded in bronze haughty modesty and serenity of the hero returning victorious but without fanfare from the final battle as tired as his faithful horse, which returns to the same pens that were recently given birth. The heads are low, depleted, and the reins are not stretched, as if the domain of fatigue after winning everything that was communicated in the faithful respect of rider and beast.

The history of the work has been as controversial as her interpretations are made. This is where our intervention is warranted with this entry, we ... Although there have been interests put up a statue to General Bulnes almost since the end of the war against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation, the relationship of this work begins particularly with the preparations for the celebration of First Centenario de la Independencia, also time that other heroes of the first century of the Republic were postulated to have their own monuments.

An Act of June 22, 1904, promulgated by the signatures of President and Minister Germain Manuel Riesco Egidio Ballesteros, provided order to erect "a bronze equestrian statue in honor of General Bulnes" . So it would create a commission headed by the son of the honoree, Don Gonzalo Bulnes, to define and drive the pageant and bases, but everything was put on hold.

is believed that in 1908, was commissioned to design the part to the outstanding National sculptor Virginio Arias, the same creator of the Monument to General Baquedano, also in Alameda, and the statue of Chilean Roto Plaza Yungay. But neither came into port this idea. The chronicler José Rafael Carranza says in "The Battle of Yungay. Memorial roto chileno" that the Government allocated, then the total 100 thousand dollars for the creation of the work. But by abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a committee, it gave the money directly to the Secretary of the Legation of Chile in Spain, Don Ruperto Vergara Bulnes, who had commissioned a model to Benlliure Valencian artist Mariano Gil.

Carranza recalls that two years later, 25 July 1910, a new law signed this time by the Vice President Elías Fernández Albano and Minister Luis Izquierdo, ordered the laying of the foundation stone for the monument.

He never met any of the two bills before the Centennial celebrations, however, which was held during the International Exhibition of Fine Arts in 1910. He agreed that in this meeting, Spain presented their works, Benlliure two presentations entitled "Your Eminence" and "The Catechism." The artist's talent deeply impressed between the authorities and the public exposure, so he started to float the idea of \u200b\u200bentrusting their talents the creation of the statue of Bulnes, who was still pending.

Some believe that there is no concrete evidence that he has been formally charged Benlliure design, or the request of the Legation in Spain and after the Exhibition Centennial. However, it seems to be more general conviction that it would be his hand that would be after the creation of the statue, or at least during the first stage of its conception. Whether true or not, it was not until the late twenties that took up the project.

The January 2, 1929, Senator Gonzalo Urrejola in the Upper House gave a heartfelt speech in tribute to General Bulnes, lamenting the failure of the law of 1904 which provided for the creation of the statue. Carranza noted that after the applause, the senator introduced a bill which proposed to authorize the President " for a term of two years, to invest the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to erect a bronze statue in honor of the general ", and are charged as extra funding for 1929-1930. The statue would be placed in front of Alameda Avenue and the Plaza Bulnes.

January 22 next, was held at the Senate hearing on the proposed motion, which was reported in the interest of the Committee on Government to give up the plan but suggested reducing the amount of money to 300 thousand pesos and upload it to "economies producing the domestic debt investment, authorized by the Law No. 4586" . With this modification, the law was passed and the President, General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, promulgated on 11 February 4588 numbered Law.

The issue here again falls into a mystery as difficult to fathom, not having on hand tools. Those who believe that the work developed for the design Benlliure, also assume that it was responsible for making their bases and cast in molds, either here in Chile or in Spain, where he would have sent to Santiago . Others, however, question even the definitive work has been designed by the English artist and say it was the Chilean artist Uren Aliro Pereira who was responsible for the final production of the statue, and even awarded in the category his best work in the Chilean capital. Pereira was the author of the equestrian statue of O'Higgins Square Valparaiso and guarding angels the height of the Basilica of the Sacramentinos , among other works.

Again, whom Carranza will clear things up: he was the President Arturo Alessandri, who got the funds to finance the work assigned to Benlliure and not another, and the statue was cast in Chile, in the workshops of the Santa Casting Maria de Valparaiso. It would be in his government that the work would be ready and mounted on the Alameda, between Galvez Street (now Zenteno) and Nathaniel Cox .

So it was that the statue would be formally inaugurated around the anniversary of the epic of Yungay, September 11, 1937, as recorded in the minutes released by the National Monuments Council, Civic staying in the neighborhood of Santiago today.

The day he was discovered and presented, there was a crowded public event, hundreds of chairs, speakers and the plaza area closed by cordons of police. Also present were representatives of the diplomatic corps, foreign colonies and aging veterans of '79. The Honor Guard was composed of cadets from the Military Academy and a group of scouts surrounded the base of the monument. On the platform were the President Alessandri, Archbishop of Santiago Monsignor Horacio Campillo and City Mayor Don Augusto Subercaseaux Vicuña, the Army Commander General Oscar Novoa Fuentes and the representative of the descendants of the illustrious Don Francisco Bulnes Correa, son of the taxed, who told those present:

"If I would raise my voice, is only to fulfill the wish of our father, of blessed memory, whom the designs of Providence he was deprived of the satisfaction of witnessing this act, he waited so many years. "

laudatory speeches were given, were given away copies of a book on the General, sang the national anthem and, of course, played a solemn hymn of Yungay, with the military band instrumentation.

Thus, we have tried to perhaps unnecessarily discussion Benlliure hand behind the work, being more likely it is that is Suyi ek design of the monument. In most biographies of the artist or even mentioned among his works known. You may Pereira, meanwhile, has had an important role in the creation, but, in our view, there is reasonable doubt to doubt that the sculpture belongs to the English artist, regardless of what little documentation has been gathered allows speculation between large gaps.

addition to the well documented statements by Carranza, there are two important reasons to assume that most of the design and creation of the statue of General Bulnes, belong to Benlliure:

  1. The statue of General Bulnes has the same expression as other memorials Benlliure known as the Statue of General Arsenio Martínez Campos, the Buen Retiro in Madrid (1907), the del Libertador José de San Martín, Plaza de Lima (1921) and Miguel Primo de Rivera, in Jerez de la Frontera (1929), among others. In all, more or less emphasis, however, emphasize the hero on a horse tired, exhausted, returning from the front so exhausted and must be victorious. This seal was, therefore, a characteristic of his artistic style.

  2. In Punta Arenas, in the Plaza Bulnes, there is a bronze statue similar to here in Santiago, to celebrate in that city to Don Manuel Bulnes, as President of the Republic ordered the colonization of the Strait Magellan and the founding of the famous southern strong to be baptized with his name. The monument was erected in 1938 and after being sent by the President Alessandri Palma, so it certainly should be based on the same figure molds newly placed in Santiago. Well, in the work of Punta Arenas is clearly engraved on the bronze that the author of it is ... Mariano Benlliure!

What doubt remains, then? To art historians with the reputation of Victor Mariano Carvalho, for example, defended the idea that Benlliure-and other-is not necessarily the author, but remain in the twilight the issue of exactly where it was founded and who completed this process .

Gil Mariano Benlliure

statue of General Martinez Campos, Benlliure. Its similarities with the style and expressiveness of the statue of General Bulnes are evident. (This image is not mine: it corresponds to a memorial chain e-mail stating that no source of photography and would appreciate any information on it.)

Entries in the high pedestal of the monument of the district Santiago Civic recall the biography of the famous Chilean general. You will remember parts of his military life, their government and, above all, the many historic landmarks that are achieved during the year. Someday we will devote some resemblance to this character that was so valuable for the history of Santiago and around Chile, especially in the years after the Republican organization.

Unfortunately, the vernacular and incorrigible ignorance of Chilean society, mixed with the poison of political passion retrograde claims "revisionists," has led some thugs to attack the monument, throwing bags of spray-painting or scratching it during riots, a dick who knows what its current association with evil and suffering, now transposed retroactively by Timeline sins of others as one of the best generals that Chile has had and the work of one of the most sought after modern English artists.

As stated earlier, we wanted to publish this information, with more features for clarification, precisely in the proximity of the anniversary of the victory of Yungay, 1839, devoted itself to the glory of General Bulnes in encyclopedias, history American.

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Much Money Does A Pint Bacardi Coconut

free with the modeling course!

1 PLAZA ARE FREE! (Saturday, 29 January)
 one an unexpected and unavoidable issue we had to change the date of the course from 15 January to 29   January. At this time are 1 space for this course so beautiful :-) 
 For those not sure if this course interests you, this is the last year we have scheduled modeling for now, and also because the price of the Kings ;-) Magi 
 For more information, please look at our website:  Modeling: The dragon and the elf princess  
 And if you want to subscribe, write to info@tartacadabra.es 
 hope to see you in our course! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cheesy Facebook Updates

Antetodo want to forgive me Sandra Palma Cakes who sent me 2 months ago, a message offering me this award and if I wanted and had time to accept it.

Thank you, Sandra, is an honor to receive from you!
I wrote immediately tell we were in the midst of a move, we had to finish our workshop, and that the first course will take place 10 days later, so that the prize would have to wait ... It's been a lot of time with all the commotion that we had at home (and no, we're not done at all ;-)).

Now at last I have time for the interview that accompanies the award. I found it very funny, and it helps me know a little better ;-)

Do you get along with your mother?
Yes, it's a wonderful woman with lots of humor, energy and character, things I treasure. Unfortunately my in-laws live across the country, but that does not diminish the very positive impression I have of them :-)

What is your challenge ?
here could put a huge list of cakes and I want to develop techniques, but is not this what life is. So I'll get out a bit of a tangent, because life does not revolve around the challenges, at least not for me. I consider it more important to enjoy life as it is, the little things around us, the people around us, and not lose the ability to amaze and be happy for the big and small wonders of life.

What would you say to your boss if you won the lottery?
I have no boss, so I can not answer ;-)

What would you do if you found out someone is lying?
I feel disappointed and sad. It also depends on the subject, of course, or if the lie is to protect me from something, and it depends on who and why.
But I'm sure we could talk and after a few tears (yes, ;-) I am very emotional), share a delicious piece of cake ;-):-D

If you burn your house and you can only save a thing, what save?
I think I have the standard response, the photos of my children and especially my grandmother, of which no copies. In addition to simple things, pull out my maridín dragged if necessary ;-) Although not weighs so little, and I have no great force, in stressful situations I am a real lioness in the words of my mother, ja, ja ;-)

How do you usually see the glass half full or half empty?
I've been through so many changes inevitable and bitter, which I now realize that I "scared" immediately before the unexpected setbacks, and assign temporarily to despair. On the other hand, for the life I've had so far, I had to find also the other side of things, the positive (thing that I think I've done pretty good, if I may say that the same ;-)) , and move on (I have staying power, or too stubborn, whatever you say ;-)).

If you find a magic lamp, what 3 wishes would you ask?
I believe in magic, no doubt, but in ourselves ;-) Every day we change something in ourselves, or something for other people. It would be better every day wanting something for others three people, three wishes to express ourselves ;-) But if I have my list, eh, I'm not the Dalai Lama ;-)
What's led to make this blog?
In Holland I had my own website, which is very common there (then blogs were just born). By this he meant and to share my passion for cake decorating. And all my air, with a little humor and a little magic ;-) Now that we are in Spain, I discovered the blogs (that chachi is free, haha), and is the same: to share my passion with others :-) Hope ye readers a little ;-) happy about

Do you have a pet at home?
No, not at this time. My love is allergic to cats, because otherwise we would have one, no doubt. I have had a cat for years in my house in Amsterdam, and was the best dolls for me ;-) We'll probably do with a dog this year, but first we must have the house finished and all the moving boxes emptied and all sorted. And the new sofa we have, has to age a bit ;-)

If you go somewhere where there are many people, what are you doing?
Mmm, the truth is that I do not like crowded places. But if there is no remedy, the first thing I do is find the place where is the cake, haha;-D

What does it mean for you the word LOYALTY?
is critical for me in life! Honoring the trust others place in me, help others when I can and be true to myself, to my way of life, my own limits and values.

And the question of Sandra:
What humor you get up?
Haha, you know to choose the right questions, Sandra. I respond quickly and briefly with the words I heard before my mother, and now my love, "the first thing in the morning, leaving Lara breakfast. Only then can ask or ask anything" ;-):-D
And my question to the / as follows:
Who would you like to know personally and why? You can choose any person (je) ;-) History

I hope you have fun reading my answers :-) I'm going to give the award to several people, although I know they are busy, and surely not have time to respond to the interview (which is no sin, of course).

chocolate My dear friend Gemma, of Tartamania , my first friend here in Spain, with which, in addition to a passion for chocolate and cakes, I can share many things. Gemma, not get bogged down by answering the questions because I know what you're very busy ;-) In any case, you deserve this award for being who you are: a wonderful, loving and strong-willed and enviable humor!

Susana, blog Al Heat Cookers to which I have met through the forum Cooking with Soul. The two began to treat us with such care and education, yet we were both feeling very happy to know :-) Susan, it's great to have you as a friend, even though we live far from each other.
Susan's blog and all I can say is SPECTACULAR, FANTASTIC. Susan has the most delicious recipes I can imagine, and makes a great photos of them.

A Rosi, of Dessert my thing, one of those people who make you happy just to open your blog and read the titles ;-) And even happier when you see your artwork, read their texts filled with humor, and enjoy their delicious recipes! Rosie, you deserve it without hesitation!

And Mery, of My World of Magic, whose blog has a title that says it all :-) And that transmits the same passion I feel for decorating cakes, cupcakes and cookies. This is the magic, creativity and share them with others, and this is what you find on the blog of Mery. A very kind and very generous.

There are many people who deserve this award, the truth is that most blogs I know. But there are many people who have already received (as normal in this small little world of cake decorating ;-)), which left him well. These are the first people I thought, this does not mean that other blogs do not deserve, both for content and for its great creators.

Again, a very Happy New Year and do not lose sight of our blog, in a few days we will publish the dates and information new courses for coming months! ;-) And the picture for all students of course "I was told by a bird", do you bite and wanted to get down to work? ;-)

A hug!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Glamour Wallpapers Hd Help With My Bedroom?


Paseo Las Palmas and close to the mythical shop "Rock Shop" full of young rockers, a Saturday to noon, I took to photography in the early nineties, I think one of the last times I went to these meetings.

LOCATION: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=es&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=208053923684508550607.00048d59b079fb58ee424&ll=-33.422039, -70.608723 & spn = 0.001817,0.003449 & t = h & z = 18

Set amidst the shopping district of windows in Providence, called Paseo Las Palmas, which is actually composed of the passage Santa Magdalena and the diagonal Las Palmas there is more or less from 1978, when it was converted in marginalizing pedestrian vehicular traffic that existed before. Type are palm trees which give the name. The buildings of the Pan and Two Rulings (so called because it is between Providence and New Providence Avenue, then called September 11), plus entry into the circuit of the underground station Lions in the early eighties, where he is also Zone Gallery, he brought vitality preserved until now. Then came the cafes, ice cream and, of course, the store "Rock Shop" that was spearheaded changes radical tastes among Chilean youth of those years.

To complete this post, I'll have to start running gear that they seemed petrified by rust in the memory, as they pertain to personal memories of the Paseo Las Palmas who have served more than 20 years and that life is not me had been forced to light again, but so far, for my own self-imposed challenge. Let's see how's my cerebral data bank, then.

never know how he had curly metalheads as loyal to the meetings on the beachfront Las Palmas every Saturday morning, the myth out there "Rock Shop" , next to the entrance of the Metro station. Some arrived early, about 9:30 am and were there, often coming from very distant sides of the city. Others, dealing with bad reed and the dream of a youth sparse, appearing only sporadically and very rarely before 11:00 hours, which was the agreed hour. In principle, the meeting ran until about 14:00 or 15:00 hours later, it was easy to find even a few stragglers until about 19:00 pm every Saturday, from where they were going to a gig or to to satisfy hunger bowling Plaza Baquedano. A true ode to leisure.

passage Galleries Santa Magdalena. Observed the windows full of clothes "rock" and three buddies who knew there also around 1990, although I can not remember their names.

Back of an old entrance to the recital of "Kreator" with the logo of the shop "Rock Shop" where it was sold. Shows the classic figure of the angel of death and his scythe in the logo (Hits Ascending Descending courtesy of Rodrigo Arias).

The best time of these meetings in Las Palmas may was from 1987 or 1988 at most until the year 1991 or earlier. Nothing more. Generational change and the spread of the sectarian rather music before there was exchanged, in those great old vinyl records with sleeves worn or cassettes with photocopies of cover, forever changed the modus vivendi lover's rock weighed in all its forms, and encounters "Rock Shop" were swallowed by the spiral of decline. The place was not only discs: also sold T-shirts, posters, magazines, badges, patches, an occasional and sometimes decorative trinket tickets to concerts whose organizers had chosen the store as a distribution point. Emerging or established bands alike published their flyers (sic) on the doors, announcing gigs in places really decadent, gloomy, including highlighting the sinister Lautaro Gran Sala Avenue and Fitness decentito much Ñuñoa Manuel Plaza, criminally demolished and reduced today to a rubble plant, next to the Plaza Egaña. The punks had their refuge in "The Trolley", a dark and cold barracks San Martín street that time has allowed me to assess more objectively critical spirit.

Of course, there were fantasy and idealization therein of "Rock Shop" there in the basement of the building and restaurant Panorama "Pivotal" although some romantic struggle to remember the store as a true temple devoted to heavy metal, thrash metal, punk or even hardcore, the truth is that one side had enough "pop" and had a section record in the corners quite sweetish less attractive. On one occasion, in fact, found between the panels display the posters for sale a poster of the "New Kids on the Block", then starting to sound and the female and Hispanic teen market. Also some of their vendors were a bit smug, well not always be sufficiently trained in the musical material they sold. I remember an old heavy, expensive amariconado squirrel and a half, once started to laugh out loud of a detail of my clothes but not realizing that I could hear perfectly through the headphones, it was off my " personal " (the walkman cassette player, a distant ancestor of Ipod). The same character also let visitors take note of the local names of songs or albums of pure beef. Not all were, of course. Some sold on his own cassettes hacks in the own albums in stock. Through intermediaries got, well, several groups work very strange then, as "Cryptic Slaughter", "Nasty Savage", "Ludichrist" or "Mucky Pup", true gems of underground environment.

However, this store also had the distinction of being the first in Chile, specializing in alternative and metal music, so the competition was inevitable. Was "Rock Shop" which generated -incidentally, it seems, the meetings of those crazy eighties. As in the local music and instruments specializing in those years (as mentioned before for the old house Yamaha Alameda), the public tended to become centers for meeting and exchange of material that was then, without the Internet, or the torrents , neither the e-mule - very rare and highly prized. That was how several of the rock metal buyers shop began to meet to barter their records, cassettes copy them, and so continue to run the groups more albums underground environments then. And part of the ritual was to go to the store to look at the album covers and view news. The dials were startling, heretical, sacrilegious and disturbing ... Although nowadays hardly scare a child.

Apparently, the habit of meeting on Saturday the group consensus founded by some veterans of the movement, mimicking what happened in other similar stores but in Europe and the United States. He was born in this way, the traditional pass through Providence that lasted almost until the late nineties, has been transformed into the final. Even today there are some boys in ragged clothes, studs and patches on their backs, trying to repeat those years, but everything looks just like a nostalgia or melancholy more than a continuity with those early days.

As I never felt or inhaled to be truly integrated part of this environment, but rather a visitor, can not remember how I got there. I think it was dragged by my friends Leo and Marcelo metalheads, but in general always rejected gregarious behavior and a tendency to cluster ... For something told me "The Hermit" and "The Antisociólogo" . Although the same was not followed, the atmosphere was so small that many were located me. Never strictly defined myself in some particular urban tribe, but by the pint and the conclusions could be drawn from my dark clothes, boots and relatively long hair, strange as I earned nicknames "The head thrasher" or "The 3 / 4 of hardcore" . And while outsiders were not usually welcome, my talent and a certain famous painting printed T-shirts by hand (by then very few industrially produced came to Chile, and the horrific price Giger cover for "Celtic Frost") plus some contributions in journals craft or "fanzines" the environment, in addition to designing logos for groups, gave me a certain level of respect in those circles. He used to appear on the lunch hour when he did, and after a brief visit to the local sales of musical instruments that were in the building Pyramid of the Sun and another very near it, hallucinating about buying this electric bass that I could only buy in 1992.

current views of the promenade, on the outside (Santa Magdalena sector) and inside the building's panoramic "Swivel", where it was the shop "Rock Shop".

current industry views of the passages where it had been sacredly young metalheads gathered every Saturday morning.

Other shops specialize in items derived heavy rock and began to appear in these passages, like those that are still in the galleries of Eurocentrism. The oldest of the movement metalhead, stereotyped in their long hair and torn jeans abundant, preferably gathered in front, the building sector access to Pan and his snails. Inland, the shopping arcade and the Santa Magdalena straight connecting Providence with 11, young metal heads met with some of the few hardcore and crossovers that were then among those who used to assimilate during my visits there Seduced by the noise of bands like DRI, "" MOD, "" Agnostic Front "," Descendents "," Misfits "or the British" The Exploited "and" GBH ". Finally, the side of Paseo Las Palmas itself, to the west side and its diagonal, gathered the punks and the odd character of current alternatives, which were perhaps the first Gothic of which I have memory. Although the distribution of fauna, the exchanges were always the same records, cassettes, videos and other junk ultrarregrabados whose quality would shame at this time. I remember, for example, have achieved a concert video from 1984 of the "Dead Kennedys", as re-recorded by successive hacks that had lost its color and looked as black and white. Another of "Slayer" only he had the green channel.

There were all kinds of characters in those years, as may be supposed. Before the entry of the clichés of aggressiveness and independence that was taken after this kind of movement or urban tribes, the trend was rather to find profiles of some children's rockers, merry, nerds even half the style of that gringos are portrayed in films as "Wayne's World" and "Airheads" just released by the end of those years. Almost all had nicknames bizarre around here, "jam", "Lizard", "Cucumber", "Beans", "The Mare", "The Caluga", "The Russian Guagua", etc. Appeared around the then young "Pera" Cuadra of the band "Back", today popular television host and commentator who in those days would meet the inn's another of those rock shops, and his colleague Anton, with his experience pioneering metalera "Pentagram" and then " Criminal "as well as owner of his own record store near the area, I have seen the Guaton of" Panzer ", highly respected in those days ever appeared Lucho" Chaos ", lead singer of the punk band same name and, as a myth (I do not know if it's real), had the bad idea to stand the hair with neoprene, for a recital; Memo "Vandaliko", however, said doing the same with tail school cool to show off his huge plume mohawk in his brief recitals banda "Los Vandaliks." Chris, meanwhile, was by then the vocalist and leader of "Squad." Over there I also met because of the high and enormous "Flake Marce" , guitarist named Buenos Aires Aguayo, "Betrayed", to my taste one of the best bands of those years and who later time in another round of life, became professor of music at my own son in school. Also from Valparaiso came Juan Carlos, alias JUCC , with their extraordinary stories of "Thrash Comics", a milestone in the history of comics such national home page for the character "Anarchy" of the bill.

So many guys, so many souls ... saved and convicted, many actually surprised to nominate them. And all distributed in that short space of Paseo Las Palmas, at some point in the story.

Outside the stars, there were other equally or more curious types, with collections of anecdotes and adventures in tow. I remember a very attractive girl with long hair, for example, was always a tarantula chick in the chest, all the time, one day, a lady with a baby in her arms cried watching your beloved pet pejoratively: "But what an ugly beast!" , and she responded indignantly: "More ugly is your shit!" , pointing to the child. There was another boy, do not remember his name, that at 18 she had a bag and set sail for Europe, and before 24, had traveled almost all over the world, including Africa and Asia, before returning periods in our country and to appear there in "Rock Shop" recounting his travels. I also remember the Caro, short, very white hair and black as anthracite or Bunchi , I think that was his nickname, a devotee of "Voivod" with his Rastafarian braids and magnificent "fanzines" of authorship, and "Mandinga", whom he knew and in the corridors of Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño; Leonardo always walking his flamboyant guitar, could not play one chord in it, Yuri, in Instead, he sang in a band but its profile was so low that no one recognized him. Once, imitating a real music video, one of the famous missed Saturday's concurrent forced to stop after going to the post, after ground beef stick in the face with a strong adhesive and paint on the outside as skin while filming it with a Recorder simulating tearing his face with his fingers, revealing at once the mixture is not apparent from the face. Unable of castigating, wanted to imitate the character after the spitting of fire in the performances of "Kiss", but got out of blowing gas, burning it and the other two pajaronas encouraged it. On another occasion, someone took up the place a male sexual numbing, the famous "long", one of these mistook him for a mouth and sprayed deodorant on his breath, after which the tongue was hanging like socks, throat asleep and unable to speak.

Thus, silly antics and were endless. From time to time, media also appeared in magazines and hollow As "Miss 17" or "Extra Young", doing all sorts of stupid questions and posting diatribes paths where all, punk, hardcore, thrash, was reduced to rock satanic ". The police arrived, alerted by some old horror of the neighborhood, especially one such Santibanez (if I remember correctly) that I also appeared on television, but things rarely went beyond the bravado with the police. He had memorable fights, however, more than once the blood ran down the Paseo Las Palmas, the skirmishes of the "black coats" were famous, starring with young Korean who appeared with martial arts skills to the natives assembled in front of them were hard, because a simple street fight that turned into a virtual war over gang for almost a couple of years. The same thing happened later in clashes between metalheads and caravans of "Yes" campaign during the 1988 plebiscite, which passed by September 11 to commemorate the name of the avenue, detonating mass violent fights in a shouting match only insulting. Others liked to do a little presence with circus shows, like a character in a popular band that, according to a legend that I've never been able to confirm (there were some pictures out there but I can not vouch that correspond to this incident, as other versions talked happened on stage), one of those mornings came with a pig's head kicks that massacred trying to ask a threatening message to his enemy supposedly another musician , which had a nickname referring to a pig. The latter was, then, lead singer of a death metal band that was forced to go through a humiliating embarrassment thanks to the host Don Francisco (Mario Kreutzberger), having been invited to an edition of "Giant Saturday" and accept naively playing live there.

Rise from the metro Los Leones. Previously, the stairs to the station was crowded with visitors on Saturdays.

Overview Paseo Las Palmas and its square, today, from the side of Avenue 11.

Anyway, that was the atmosphere of the meetings "Rock Shop" , for many of its competitors truly sacred: the most important for each of your weeks. They found that after bathing in summer in Central Zone and The Quisco, El Tabo and Algarrobo, so one is inevitably used to recognize faces.

But the nineties gave the blow to those meetings Paseo Las Palmas. By 1990 or 1991, a new and very different generation, came to this place. A litter that had nothing to do with the previous one, except the paint and discs.

There are images that I have not been erased, stuck with fire. I remember fights and not metalheads, but true lumpen ... The trushers, told them equivalent to the current flaytes but stuck in metaleras waves. JUCC festinate much ridicule in his cartoons. I also remember a punk (the "screw", so they know some of whom I speak) neck spot a boy of Villa O'Higgins, a view and with indifference. I also come to mind three little girls who were to find boyfriend every Saturday, bought beer, open them with plungers in a corner, but again put on the lid to simulate after the uncovering the teeth, repeatedly walking through the place only repeat the trick and comply with a crude pose several warning them now. To swap discs in the past, it fell to a level of paranoia in which nobody wanted to pay anything, because everyone knew they would be cheated or robbed. Types "empepados" , shivering junkies for some stimulant, music fans and then death metal grindcore and goregrind, finding everything else Posse and pretending that she had the field in Las Palmas, who had arrived a few months, recently ... Where once were divided into musical tastes, then began to spread through football bar, a trend that parasite-nineties rock moves and only served to weaken. The punks were almost evicted from there, retiring as meek lambs after theatrical costumes of violence, disruption or resistance, and those who listened to "everything" were seen as bad now. To make matters worse, about the same time "Rock Shop" changed its historic store to another site further east, where they finally ended their old image by changing the natural death of name "Hard Music" . His departure from the ride was like cutting off Samson's hair.

Anyway, they died the morning meetings of the famous Paseo Las Palmas, truly epic in the history of rock in Chile and so few, or does anyone remember when passing through these galleries and shopping malls in Providence , packed with innocent games shops and fast food restaurants today.