Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monopoly Instructions

TodoTartas - Shop online and more

Todotartas online store

My dear friend Sea has opened its own online store, TodoTartas . So I want to congratulate you from here, because I find something cool. After years of gaining experience in cake decorating, extending his passion for cakes with a passion for the stuff to make cakes ;-)
Ocean has existed for several years in this world (their cakes can be seen in the Fun Loving Cakes page ), has taken courses of the great masters, and therefore knows which brands are best, what tools are "for life", and what you need (or not) as a beginner. In addition to this, is an addict (like myself) to finding new and surprising things to use ;-), which is a fantastic combination to start an online store, not a shop either, but one that has everything you need, with the best brands and exclusive news represent true findings for the collection of any

:-) What's more, Ocean offers another service, you want to make a cake for a particular occasion, but do not know exactly what you need? Or do you have a vague idea of \u200b\u200ba product, maybe you've seen somewhere, but do not know her name, or can not find it anywhere? This is the extra service, write him at Sea with your questions or questions, and she will advise you professionally on large and what you want. And if you wish, I will get that product, although not yet in its range. The big advantage is that your store is very close to Europe's largest wholesale distributor for cake decorating materials and also will not have to wait long to enjoy your new purchases.

An additional advantage for students Tartacadabra is that you can place orders TodoTartas, and then pick them up at our workshop, coming to a course. In this case postage costs are much lower.

What I love is that I can use and test the crème de la crème of the newest products ;-) And so far I've found a few new things Superinteressante, which not only make the decorating job easier, but even more fun ;-)

Mar , a lot of success with your store and finding all these new things that appear from time to time in the market! In any case you have a guaranteed fan, and that's me! :-)

I encourage everyone to take a look at the online store Mar
:-) To give you a glimpse of interesting products as having:
All colorants estupendísima Americolor mark, and the best price I've seen Americolor coloring

colors also powder, glow and glitter (never can have Rainbow Dust too ;-), and also for a great price :-)
Glitz and glitter
Dyes Rainbow Dust

Another product that should not be predetermined, and I want to publish a tutorial shortly (I have the photos ready ;-)) are the cutters with ejector as a rule, an exclusive product of TodoTartas. Although I love them all (it's great that you can make a full row of hearts than once), the lyrics are amazing. No more digging with sticks stressed to get the letters of the cutter, and getting up precious points with widely varying styles for all tastes ;-)
cutters with ejector in the form of rule TodoTartas

Finally, although perhaps not the first thing that you would think, is one of my favorite products, precious papers tulip-shaped cupcakes (notice that I'm Dutch, right? ;-)) Paper Tulip Cupcakes
By the way, all the papers of muffins from the brand that are sold exclusively Mar, superbonitos addition, the highest quality. The main (and only) Dutch magazine about cake decorating (MjamTaart) has made a comparison with all known brands (such as Wilton or PME), and these were winners.

much you enjoy wandering through the virtual shelves of TodoTartas ! :-)


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