Friday, December 3, 2010

When Does Blistex Expire


The calugones "Pelayo" Thirty years in the Chilean market, and always in the same area of \u200b\u200bSales kiosks and neighborhood centers and sellers of sweets in public transportation, however they have already reached more modern outlets.

product I know of no more popular and has survived for so long in this kind of offer "street", except perhaps the candy "1 / 2 hour", although these were significantly reduced in the sale of public transportation for some time, almost disappearing from this area in particular.

"Pelayo" is also a symbol of the eighties, childhood, adolescence or early adulthood in at least two generations. Those were the days when he competed in the sale of minibuses with other products such as biscuits "Merendino," "Milonga" and "dashes", plus some strange candy called "Pololo (colored pills without much grace) and chocolates first "Privilege" turning up for the mass audience.

The calugón , however, had the advantage of lasting a long time while a pacifier during the long bus trip, in addition to those earlier years was much larger than now, I estimate that nearly doubled, unless the proportions of my child mug fool me. First sold for $ 5 (two for 10) and later, the price was increased to $ 10. Who can forget the typical cry of the seller Santiago: "Calugón Pelayo 10, to 10 the calugón!" . I think with that value is surprised by the arrival of the nineties. Currently, we offer three and four units for $ 100.

The Chilean Food Pelayo Monroy SA, based in the town of La Granja, literally crowned with this product. His name is the same he has held since the font its founder and its logo was a crown. And it's not free Mr. Pelayo has aspired early on to be king of this item, then. In addition, named after the first ruler of the Kingdom of Asturias, King Pelagius, and his fate monarchy was drawn from the historical principle of eternal return for his fortune.

The origin of the firm is in the Santiago of the seventies, when the modest family workshop begins producing handmade caramels. However, the owner experimented with various formulas to arrive at an optimum for producing the chewable candy base and walnuts, plus ingredients that were part of the secret of success. With this recipe, and a generous size for the treat, his blow to the market was extraordinary.

The calugón demand became so great that the company had provided new machinery. His first automated equipment, he had gotten out of its craft workshop and industrialized first product line was acquired in 1978, as the website of the company. However, as the host of the new product was extended progressively in the next decade, had to incorporate new and better equipment. Thus, the production company focused primarily on the famous calugón , though no longer diversification. It is for this reason that the toffee with the old formula is known as the classic calugón , there later with almonds, peanuts, raisins, rum, cream and coconut.

Despite fierce competition from products sold in street markets of the nineties, the calugón passed the test of the new millennium and has so far prevailed in its niche market. The truth is that nobody has dared to compete with this chewy candy based on a similar product because "Pelayo" is unmatched in the trade.

The candy caramels are profoundly linked to the Chilean tradition. Even the most famous circus of our men carried his name: Abraham Machuca Lillo, alias Tony Caluga immortal. Old Chilean children also are challenged to fight a strange game of mourning: the Caluga and Mint (and not "Caluga or Mint" as a feature film titled Chile 1990, citing the game's name wrong.) In fact, the Royal English Academy recognizes the word "toffee" associated as a Chilean, and means "rectangular soft candy" . Then the calugón "Pelayo" would be twice as Chile, both in the nature of candy "toffee" as its undeniable popularity among our people.

In 2006, Pelayo Alimentos SA Monroy joined the trade group's Wholesale Club Warehouseman Alvi. Today, not only produces calugón give him fame, but also other goodies like candy, candy caramels, nougat, peanut chocolate-dipped caramels, toffees, alfajores, rooks, caramels milk and some soft drinks, among others.

However, his name has been immortalized in popular culture as the famous Chilean calugón "Pelayo" that sweetens our travels in the city for three decades. Get $ 10, $ 50 or $ 100, it is always the favorite treats of the day.


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