Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Build Big Green Egg Table

Mini-tutorial: Silicone Mold - Cupcakes

Mini-tutorial: Silicone Mold - Cupcakes

I'm in love, totally in love ... Well, yes, my own maridín, but right now I'm not referring to it ;-)
I'm crazy for my new silicone mold cupcakes!
is not a baking cupcakes, no, but a mold for making miniature cupcake fondant to decorate cakes (or whatever), and are suuuuuuupertiernos and beautiful ;-)
I bought the mold TodoTartas-shop online, and is so small that you can send in a normal, which is ideal in terms of shipping costs and in terms of waiting time

I'll show you how it works and how best to use colored powder. As for the finished cake, you're going to have to wait a bit, because my friend (the one you always test the recipes cukcakes, so it is most appropriate, right?) Birthday next week, so I to use these ornaments for your cake :-)

silicone mold
Cupcakes Fondant or sugar paste (I prefer the latter, because it works better because it's more consistent and less sticky, but I always advise to try both and choose which Powder
prefer brightness and color powder: make sure all are edible!
flat brush

This is my new love ;-)

And here it is again, with modeling clay
As you see, including cupcakes in various sizes, as well as different designs. It is best to grease the pan with a little bit (very little) of Crisco or vegetable shortening. Knead the dough (or fondant) well before you begin, make a small ball to put it into the mold. To apply pressure and leave it smooth, I always use this trick: instead of crashing without the finger (which paste, so that when you remove the dough out of the mold), I do it with a piece of plastic wrap. It's a trick at all, but how well it works! ;-)

Here you can see all my cupcakes, still completely white, but I can see how beautiful out. A wonder (yes, I know, I drool)! ;-)
A close :-)

And now the color phase. For the bottom I tried several things, like a little brown, in various shades.
In the case of colored powders, always dig a bit to find the most appropriate. You usually do not have on hand the ideal color, but little was achieved by mixing wonders. I have mixed dark brown (which was at home, although I am not enthusiastic) with a little orange, to make it warm and clear. And meanwhile, I have commissioned the Sea (from TodoTartas) brown if it is very nice: chocolate brown Dust Raindbow clear. This color could be used directly on the cupcakes :-) Although I always like to add some extra color accent (eg a bit of yellow).
clearer For cupcakes I used a warm yellow mixed with orange, yellow primrose Rainbow Dust
If you have orange, you can also use a bit of red or Warm brown.

Use a flat brush for powder, is what works best and leaves the results matched. Put some powder on a paper towel (it takes very little), and mix the colors you want (a pinch of each) on paper. The loose powder can be eliminated on the very paper towels, so you will not be too intense color. If you find it too dark, you can listen again to the light color (orange or yellow) above

To the top (the filling), I have not cut glitter powders ;-)
White is White Star Bright , which contains tiny particles brilliant (yes, edible) and is beautiful (if you use a lot just surrounded by a beautiful gloss floating cloud reflecting light;-D). Pink is also Rainbow Dust: Brightness
Rosa Cherry and the dots of the other cupcake I have painted, rather than just dusty. I used a little shine Rosa, a little red to make it darker and a little alcohol (clear, like vodka or gin), and ready :-)
Now they are all in the box (of cupcakes ;-)), waiting for the cake is ready :-)
What do you think? Are not they absolutely adorable? ;-)


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