Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Blood Looking Spot On The Uvula

Hello again, another of my favorite cooking blogs, is to Silvia, " My sweet temptation. " Hence, and therefore also want to thank you, I get the following recipe ... This I have to say that we especially liked my mother and me because I threw a little more sweet, condensed milk, that sour lemon.

1 / 2 pint of whipping cream
3 lemons
1 small can of condensed milk ( 397 gr.)

Put the cream in the fridge for a few hours to make it very cold before assembling. Next, whip the cream until fairly firm. In a separate container mix the sweetened condensed milk with the juice of three lemons. Then add the cream mixture with stirring motion so that the cream will not fall. Serve chilled and decorated to the taste of each.

Here, the little picture a little closer, I hope you enjoy it, as they I said, I loved it!


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