Saturday, September 25, 2010

When Does Earnie Draw


Once back to normal at home (my mother started work) has the kitchen for me, waiting to do something new and share with you.
These days as you wish compritas I've been told, not only for my little island, also via internet. I admit, I've gone crazy, I entered three different pages, all related to the confectionery and well ... I could not resist (here I also think many will understand).
Well that's what this post ... of compritas I've done and the first that I have come home this morning.
I almost fell down the stairs when my brother screams from downstairs, Monica, the postman! ... and I ... My stuff! What will come first?
purchases First come, those of amazon.
acknowledge that not the first time I perform in this page, just when I started with the recipes I asked Joseph Joseph roller, measuring spoons and Nigella Lawson the seal cookies "Home Made" which I fell in love after seeing it on the blog Bea. Thanks!
Well, now I could not resist to make a super mega order of several pages and I'm looking forward to get the other stuff but while browsing through the book go and deciding (difficult task ...) which will first ...
I look forward to preparing these cupcakes ... but I'll have to wait until I get all purchases, which have some relationship.
And to make my first cookies to use these cute little boxes ...
want to imagine that you will have a new recipe but I can tell you only have to wait a bit, that this I'm starting to need to reach me for orders ...


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